Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Have a Title: "Bad Hair Day"

"Bad Hair Day" seems like a good title. Look at all that stuff stuck in there! There is even a squirrel. If that's not a bad hair day, I don't know what is...

I'm not done with the hair (there is more above the pic). Next session.


Crystal Thomas said...

Hee hee!

Laura K. Aiken said...

How fun Barbara!

Kraken Mosaics said...

I just had to laugh at this one! It reminds me of a favorite poem from when I was a kid..."There was an Old Man with a Beard"...he had all sorts of things living in his long grayy beard. So fun! :)

Barbara Benson (Bebe) Keith said...

Maybe I should call it "Old Woman with Tall Hair" in honor of that poem! ;) Thanks you guys for your comments!