Monday, September 28, 2009

Class Quilt

Here is the beautiful result from our class! I took the photo outside on a cloudy day, so the iridescence really shows up well. Several students worked on most of the squares. There were only a few squares that weren't used because they were less than half done. I finished up a few squares that were nearly complete. These were all students that didn't know how to cut glass, and look what they did! You can tell they are artistic people.

The quilt will be donated to the Edina Art Center in Edina, Minnesota, where the conference was held.


Laura K. Aiken said...

Barbara I really think this is cool. Great job. You know I am dying to know how the class was taught. :)
love it!

Barbara Benson (Bebe) Keith said...

Hi Laura! It was a huge class with 40 people in each (I taught the same class Sat and Sun to different people.) Started with a powerpoint about glass mosaics (history, other artists, terms, etc...), then demo of materials and techniques, then practice on window glass, then everyone got to work on the quilt squares on mesh, which I kept and put into this mosaic.

Christine Brallier said...

I keep reading that as GLASS quilt, haha. Great job Barb!!

Françoise said...

such a great achievement, everything is so cool in this piece!

Prairie Girl Studio said...

hi barbara!
gosh i have been out of the loop for too long in visiting ... just wanted to say congratulations on your class quilt project ~ it is spectacular! isn't it so rewarding to see a piece like this come together ... especially when your students are so new to the art ... it really does make it extra special!
just wondered if you would mind if i shared a piece of your work on my blog? i particularly love your snelling flower girl to possibly feature on my 'flowers for friday' ... would that be ok with you?
thanks ~ take good care,

Barbara Benson (Bebe) Keith said...

Prairie Girl - I would be honored. Thank you!

Whole Food Pioneer said...

I'm glad prairiegirl did, that's how I found you! I love doing quilts squares in stained glass, so how fun to see it in mosaic. Beautiful!

Barbara Benson (Bebe) Keith said...

Thanks Purple Bears! :)