Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Christine Brallier and I made a pact that we were going to do at least five minutes of sketching every day. It's something I wish I did regularly since I enjoy it and it helps me become a better artist, but I rarely do it! But now I have made a pact with a friend AND I'm declaring it here to the world (or at least to the one or two people that might read this) that I will sketch for at least 5 minutes a day from here on out. So far two days successfully completed! I also want to do 60 situps a day, but that's another story...

Anyone want to join us (sketching or sit-ups!)?


Irit Levy said...

What a clever pact. I'll drop by everyday to check on your sketches... ;-)
It's a wonderful sketch. You definitely know how to make these birds come to life even in 5 minutes.

Barbara Benson (Bebe) Keith said...

Yikes! Uploading images to the computer and to the site everyday is a pact for another day! :) Have a good one, Irit!

Prairie Girl Studio said...

thanks! i love that you are setting that time out each day ... the idea of 5 minutes could, in all reality be doable ... really! something i would really like to try ... my little sketch book sits right here in front of my 'puter ... and look! there's a pencil ... i am definitely going to try this.
congrats on two days in ... i really like your lively bird! looking forward to seeing many more postings ~ some of the best sketches are the quickies!
have you ever visited creative thursday? take a peek ... http://www.creativethursday.typepad.com/

Crystal Thomas said...

Impressive! I'd much rather commit to the sit-ups. ;-)

Barbara Benson (Bebe) Keith said...

Prairie Girl - Join us! Sometimes people just need to know that other people are on the same road. I already sketched today - my cat, laundry sink, a few other things. Nothing profound. Good luck! :) Let's keep in touch!

Crystal - too funny!

connie - spizzimosaics said...

I'd love to join the pact. I've been sketching and journaling for a while, but I'd love to join in and have to comradery.

Kim said...

LOL! I'll commit to situps and a 10 mile jog ;-)
... and then live vicariously through you and Christine!!!

Barbara Benson (Bebe) Keith said...

Kim - You are on your own with a 10 mile jog!! Wow!

Connie's in! Okay, we've got four people sketching away every day! Let's every once in a while post some sketches - not even best sketches or fabulous sketches, just any sketch. Maybe someday if we get bored or stuck we can issue sketch challenges to each other! :) Good luck!

Laura K. Aiken said...

Hi Barbara-
I sketch everyday, usually at night around 10 pm. I love to, and it's relaxing. Then I get out my colored pencils and color. You would be surprised how good these sketches look when you go back a week or two later to look at them! Actually this is my treat to myself. :) Laura.

Barbara Benson (Bebe) Keith said...

Oh, Laura, that's where I want to get to! Baby steps... Thanks!

Linda Pieroth Smith said...

I love the idea of sketching 5 minutes a day. Hmmm, have the sketchbook, kids in school next week, so that means car rider line and so that sounds like a plan :)

Barbara Benson (Bebe) Keith said...

Linda, sounds like the time has come! :) Next week (can't believe it's already time for school again!) is a perfect time to start. Good luck, and check in again! Glad you are joining us!

Christine Brallier said...

Wow! How fun to have so many join us!

Linda Jarousky said...

You are on to something here :). What a great idea!